Well I had a great Holiday season! Sad its already over..theres always so much anticipation and then its gone just like that! But it was a good year. Now on to make 2011 great!
I'll post some pics from the last few months!


Flowers Seth got me on Sweetest day!

Me and my niece Jacinda on Halloween!
Alright so I'll do Day 01 now..About me! :
Alright so my name is Ashlyn, obviously. I am 21 years old. I live in Plover, WI with my boyfriend, Seth. We've been together 3 1/2 years now. Lived together for 2 1/2. We have a dog named Doug. I love to read, and write even thought I'm not the best writer. I love to stay in touch with my Lex girls :) of course. My best friends name is Melissa. She has a 1 1/2 year old son. I love to spend time with my family. I am super close to my mom, sister and niece. My niece it 7 1/2 and we are like best friends! I am not in school right now..I went for a year but didn't know what I wanted, so I stopped instead of wasting money on uncertainty. I would love to go back one day, even to a tech school to get a license or degree in childcare. I grew up with my mom being in childcare since I was 6 months all the way to 17. Its kind of a family thing because all at one time a few years ago my mom, sister and brother worked at the same daycare. I absolutely love kids. They can cheer you up in a matter of seconds. They have no worries or stress. They just live life to the fullest. So one day I hope to work with kids..and one day have one of my own. :)
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