Saturday, July 3, 2010

My first Eclipse viewing!

Alright so..before I read anyone elses thought I need to ramble on about my own. I went today at the 1230 showing with my 7 year old niece Jacinda. We got to see it on the mega screen! Woot! :)

Anyways..lets begin.

I have to say I LOVED the beginning. I thought it was very creative and different for them to start with Riley and not be focused on Bella right away. And may I say Riley is a total cutie!

The meadow scene..I still dont feel the chemistry 100% and its KStews fault. Rob was great. But the actual field was beautiful!!!

I love anything with Charlie. He always makes it funny! Like when Bella says shes still a virgin. Then he says he likes Edward a little more because of that. Nice little laugh there. lol

The scene with Bella and her mom was done very well, I thought. Pretty touching. Probably one of the better scenes Kristen did. I actually almost had a tear.

Also, I liked how they took us to Seattle and showed us what Riley and the newborns were up to. I have to say I like how they didnt make this a "Lets follow Bella around the whole time" deal.

The flashbacks were wonderful! It was awesome to see Rosalie and Jasper's story...oh Jasper. I loved having more of him. I loved when he was teaching the others about killing newborns. And his playfulness with Alice. So cute!

Rosalie's hair..MUCH BETTER! Although her eyebrows bugged me.

The action---AMAZINGLY AWESOME! I seriously went to the edge of my seat to watch it. I loved when the Cullens were chasing Victoria through the woods. And the fight at the end. So very well done!

Oooh and of course. I liked how when the vampires limbs were ripped off it actually looked like ice underneath. At first I was a little put back..but when I thought about it I was like wow...thats actually cool. Since they are so cold and like Rosalie said they are "frozen."

Oh and the Bella/Jacob kiss. The first one was funny as hell! The second one...well seemed to me they had more chemistry then KStew and RPattz which is a problem.

I know I am missing many things I should say. There was just so much in this movie. Oh I liked Jessica's graduation speech. lol. So true! haha..but yeah..

Ooooh I felt sooooo bad for Bree at the end. She was so scared and helpless. Now I don't know if I'll be able to read her book. :( Poor girl. I hate Jane. haha

Oh yeah and the story Billy told..I like how it showed us then at the end with Bella cutting herself to save was cool to see both parts. And of course looooved when Edward killed Victoria...but poor Riley..killed because of her. Bitch! lol

ANNNND OF COURSE! The tent scene. It was done so well. Like I think almost word for word from the book. Pretty close. Thats what I loved..this time around I felt like we were closer to the book than any of the others.

So I know I am missing stuff but I'll finish for now..But just gotta tell you all what my niece said. Well first she asked if I was team Edward or team Jacob..and I said Edward. And she kinda sighs and is like..oh I'm Jacob. lol Then after the movie I asked her what she thought. She said she liked it...except for the kissing. HAHA


  1. Awwww! Your niece is cute. :) Sounds like we had opposite experiences watching it. You saw it with your 7 year old niece, while I was with one of my best friends, who has 2 kids and was glad to get out of the house, and made inappropriate comments the entire time. lol

  2. Haha! Yeah. My niece would turn her head every time someone kissed for too long. At the one point she turned her head and was like "Tell me when I can look" lol..I think it was when Bella was trying to get Edward to "do it" lol
